Hire G.I. Recruiting Services
Hire G.I. is the fastest growing company in the veteran industry with over a half a decade working with Transition Service Members , Veterans and Military Spouses.
Contact usJobs Across Many Markets

Veteran & Diversity Pipeline Channels
The Hire G.I. Custom Scorecard
Investing time with Hire G.I. up front will yield quality candidate submissions saving you time.
Asking all the right questions
Qualifying Questions with your guidance, Hire G.I. will generate interview questions used to pre-qualify candidates.
Target military bases
Hire G.I. targets military bases that focuses on your requested skills.
Aligning candidate expectations with your budget prior to initial interviews.
Interview process
Ushering candidates seamlessly through the interview process is a major contributor to successfully landing talent.
Company information
We provide your candidates with details such as founding date, leadership, funding, current headcount, and other basic information.
Employee awareness
Unified messaging designed to compel passive candidates to explore an opportunity with your company.

HIRE G.I. Recruitment Process
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